The best thing was...
… learning by playing rather than talking … learning actual technique … introducing the rhythm step by step, different levels of difficulty … Very hands on. … Your enthusiasm! It was appropriate for the age of the children. … everyone was able to participate. … everyone having the chance to participate equally. … all the children had an opportunity to play a real African drum. … all of the children were involved all the time. … the history of the drums … learning how to make a tune up … everything!
Just a few of the hundreds of responses so far!
Alison Lyon is an excellent teacher – clear instructions, methodical, eagle-eyed and very enthusiastic.
Sarah – retired teacher and evening class student
1 day spent in an African Drumming Workshop with genuine djembes (1 each!) and a totally practical approach achieved more than us trying to teach 'African Drumming' to Year 8 for 1/2 a term.
Rebecca L, Secondary School Head of Music
I was completely blown away by what you offered the children....many thanks. Looking forward to seeing you again.
David E - Primary Head
The whole day was very well tailored to our school timetable and the length and difficulty of the workshops well matched to the different age groups. An excellent day. Thank you. The best thing was …seeing children of such mixed ability whole-heartedly joining in the activities and achieving such a good result. Children with difficulties were well catered for and included (broken wrists) and gifted pupils were able to provide leadership roles.
Hilary D - Prep School Music teacher
It was absolutely first class, very enjoyable and engaging for all the students - best outside provider I've seen.
Elaine B - Year 9 and 10 Form Tutor
Excellent value for money.
Diana H - Primary music co-ordinator
Alison was a great teacher. Very enthusiastic and had really thought how to put her ideas and rhythms across so that everyone experienced success. Very inspiring. We'd all like to do more.
Liz, Daniel and Rachel for Ingleton Folk Weekend
We had our Year 6 leavers’ service yesterday and the children listed your African drumming as one of the real highlights of their school days. Thanks so much.
Jill N - Primary music co-ordinator
The teacher was really entertaining.
John J - Corporate client
Absolutely amazing - you don't charge enough!
Jan R - Hen party organiser
The responses from everyone have been so positive and everyone wants more, more, more! The concert produced a real buzz around school and feedback from parents was really supportive. Thank you so much. Awarded the Parkwood Primary Gold Award!
Julie B - Primary Head
I learnt so much from this!
I felt that your pace, patience and the passion you displayed were all spot on! Pupils showed you lots of respect and wanted to ask you all sorts – they are still buzzing from their experience – well done to you!
Ross S - Senior School Music teacher.
Hi Alison- Wow, the earth rocked for me on Wed!!!!!- Great session. I never want the rhythms to stop!! :) xx
Rosi S - evening class student..
I have just spent the last 15 minutes with children raving about the African drumming workshop we've just had with Drums Agogo. They were an able group of year 7s, plus an invited group of year 6s from another local school. They had a brilliant time - quickfire and entertaining. I thoroughly recommend a booking - I shall certainly be making this an annual workshop at my school.
Jon W - Prep School Head of Music